Brick Lane
Steer developed a high-level wayfinding strategy for Brick Lane to capture and spread the footfall along the entire street as well as turn Brick Lane into a key pedestrian north-south route, linking all the attractions in the area and reinforcing the street's competitiveness.
Toronto Cycling
In order to guide cyclists along its growing network of on-street cycle infrastructure, the City of Toronto commissioned Steer to develop and implement a world-leading cycling wayfinding strategy.
Toronto TO360
The TO360 Wayfinding Strategy supports walking as the connecting mode that enables multi-modal transportation in Toronto, through unified signage and mapping systems delivered consistently by the City and its partners.
Steer is supporting the region’s transport agency Metrolinx as their wayfinding and customer infrastructure design consultant of record. Steer provides world-leading strategic advice and design solutions in support of Metrolinx’s ongoing investments in new rapid and regional transit options.
Transport for the South East
In October 2023, TfSE launched the interactive StoryMap which enables users to easily search for schemes within their area and to discover how they will improve their everyday journeys. The tool was developed by Steer as part of the transport consultancy framework.