Brighton 3Ts Wayfinding

Client UHSussex NHS Foundation Trust
Location Brighton, UK
Years 2019 - Ongoing
Services Wayfinding, Signage Design, Information Design, Service Design 

In April 2021 Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (WSHT) and Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust (BSUH) merged to form the, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHS). One of the benefits of the merger will be a more integrated care, improving patient experience and access to services. The development and implementation of a wayfinding and information system across the new trust will be fundamental in supporting the delivery of this benefit.

Before the merger in Steer was commissioned by BSUH to develop a functional specification and design concept for an improved wayfinding system to meet the needs of patients and staff at the new Royal Sussex County Hospital 3Ts building. 

The wayfinding strategy is underpinned by a clear hierarchy of information to help patients and visitors reach their destination. It sets out consistent nomenclature, icons to depict universally understood destinations and prioritises destinations based on user needs using maps and signage which focus on simplifying navigation within the hospital building. 

Using the NHS visual identity guidelines we developed a simple modular signage system that is bespoke to the hospital and reflects their values and aspirations. As well as the unique function and layout of the hospital building. In addition, we designed a user-focused campus map for print as well as online use.

The new building is due to be handed over to the NHS in April 2023, with full implementation of the wider system taking place over the coming months.

We continue to help the Trust, on a number of projects beyond the new building including developing an overarching wayfinding masterplan for all five hospitals. We are proud to be a trusted partner, helping to make a visit to the hospital a less daunting and better experience for all.